There are more robots in the world today than the population of Seattle, Las Vegas, and Pittsburgh combined. Watch and read exclusive content from some of the world’s leading robotics experts to discover how we can partner with these new social entities to transform our businesses and simplify our lives.
In search of the autonomous surgical robot
Researchers across the globe are working on robots that could be capable of performing unassisted surgical procedures. But are humans ready? - ARTICLE
Should robots lie?
Roboticist Kantwon Rogers talks about the ethical implications of designing robots that lie to humans to produce beneficial outcomes. - ARTICLE
Escaping the uncanny valley
Robotics creators set their sights on an intangible design goal: trust. - ARTICLE
How to use robots to improve developmental outcomes in children
Dr. Ayanna Howard, Dean of the College of Engineering at The Ohio State University, talks about the importance of verbal feedback—even if it is from a robot. - ARTICLE
The wearable robots that are helping Navy SEALs double their strength and endurance
Exoskeletons are also helping everyday people get on with their lives.